key terms | key terms part 2 | key terms part 3 |
What is job performance
Is the quantity and quality of tasks accomplished
What is job enlargement
Increase task variety by combining into one job two or more tasks previously assigned to separate workers.
What is flexible working hours
Give employees some choice in daily work hours.
What is job design
Is the allocation of specific work tasks to individuals and groups
What is growth-need strength
Is the desire to achieve psychological growth in one’s work.
What is job sharing
Splits one job between 2 people.
What is job simplification
Employs people in clearly defined and very specialized tasks
What is job enrichment
Increases job depth by adding work planning and evaluating duties normally performed by the supervisor.
What is telecommuting
Involves using IT to work at home or outside the office.
What is automation
Is the total mechanization of a job
What is sociotechnical system
Integrates technology and human resources in high performance systems.
What is part-time work
Temporary employment for less than the standard 40 hour workweek.
What is job rotation
Increases task variety by periodically shifting workers between different jobs
What is compressed work week
Allows a full time job to be completed in less than 5 days.
What is contingency workers
Employed on a part time and temporary basis to supplement a permanent workforce.