Anatomy | Brain Things | Monitoring | Receptor Agonists/Antagonists | More Brain Stuff |
What is the parasympathetic nervous system
Preganglionic cell bodies originate in the brainstem and sacral spinal cord segments
What is Glutamate
The most ubiquitous neurotransmitter in the brain
What are sensory evoked potentials (SEP)
Event related, pathway specific EEG activity generated in response to an electrical stimulus applied to the median nerve
What is esmolol
Beta blocker administered with a short half life permitting a trial of Beta blockade
What is isoflurane
Unique among inhalation anesthetics with the capacity to induce an isoelectric EEG at 2 MAC
What are baroreceptors
Pressure sensors that react to alterations in stretch in the aortic arch, carotid sinuses
What is the Circle of Willis
The system of cerebral vessels providing collateralization
What are motor evoked potentials (MEP)
Electromyographic potentials recovered over muscles the hand or foot in response to depolarization of the motor cortex
What is nicardipine
The only calcium channel blocker that can be titrated intravenously to achieve BP response
What is Nitrous Oxide
Contraindicated as part of an anesthetic technique in a patient for "bring back" craniotomy
What are venous baroreceptors
Samples preload by stretch of the right atrium
What are calcium channel blockers
Not true pharmacologic calcium antagonists
What is auditory brain stem response (BAEP)
This SEP modality has also been used to reflect brain stem integrity during posterior fossa surgery
What is dexmedetomidine
A more selective alpha 2 agonist than clonidine providing sedation, lowered BP and HR
What is EEG beta activity
Dominates awake EEG activity at 13-30 Hz
What is blood pressure
Blood flow x cerebral vascular resistance =
What is the artery of Adamkiewicz
Typically joins the anterior spinal artery in the lower thoracic region providing blood to the choracolumbar cord
What is SSEP
Mode of monitoring best accomplished using an intravenous anesthetic or < 1 MAC inhalation anesthetic
What is Central Anticholinergic Syndrome
Undesirable side effect due to excessive stimulation of brain muscarinic ACh receptors
What are muscle spindles
Their increased activity raises ICP due to increased cerebral afferent input
What is the hypothalmus
The principal site of the autonomic nervous system organization
What are the Pons and Medulla oblongata
Vital centers of acute autonomic nervous system
What is the BAEP
Evidence that the earliest component (neural generator) of this waveform originates in the brainstem nuclei is peak III
What is isoproterenol
A chemical pacemaker in third degree block until an artificial pacemaker can be inserted
TCD sonography
The middle cerebral artery velocity waveform can measure relative quantitative changes in cerebral blood flow