Soccer | Sex Facts | General Knowledge | Countries of the World | Video Games |
Who was on the cover of FIFA 16
The clap is slang for which STI?
A jack
The tool to lift a car is called what?
What country has the largest land mass?
What is the number one played video game in the world?
What year was soccer invented? (plus/minus 2 years)
Fellatio is the name for which sex act?
According to the Fresh Produce Association what is the most liked fruit?
China is the most populated country but what is the second?
20 million
How many Play Station Fives to the nearest million have been sold
250 million
How many official soccer players are there in the world currently? (to the closest million)
1 minute and 48 seconds
Fat men have been found to last an average of 7 minutes and 18 seconds in bed. What is the average amount of time for skinny men? (plus/minus 2 seconds)
How many monkey species are there? (to the nearest 10)
How many timezones does Russia have? (plus/minus 2)
Play Station 2
What is the most sold gaming console of all time?
Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria.
There are only 7 countries that call the game soccer instead of football. Name 3 that are not Canada and the USA.
According to a sex study what is the most amount of back to back ejaculations achieved by a male? (plus/minus 1)
How many gallons to the nearest 10 does it take to paint the white house?
How many islands is the Phillipines made up of? (nearest 100)
Nintendo DS
Which Nintendo gaming device has sold more than the iPhone?
Manchester United
Who was the first Premier League Champion?
A dog, A hen, 3 other cats, a monkey.
Cats are known to be very horny. There was a study down on what animals a cat would have sex with. Name 3 of the 4
What company produces the most tires per year?
Saudi Arabi, Paraguay, Moldova
There are only 3 flags in the world that differ on front and back, name 1 of the 3
Sexy Playing Cards
What did the gaming company Nintendo create before gaming consoles?