Once Upon a Time .. in Acts | Better Call Paul | FOUND by The Holy Spirit | Law & Order: Special Missionary Unit | The New Testament Diaries |
Who is Luke?
The writer of the book of Acts who was also a doctor
What is Saul?
Paul's original name before he was converted from persecuting and arresting Christians to being one of the key leaders in spreading the gospel on his 3 missionary journeys
What is baptism?
After this act, believers are given the gift of the Holy Spirit
What is preaching the gospel?
The disciples continue to do this even after they were arrested and nearly killed several times
Who is Stephen?
The first Christian martyr whose death started a mass persecution against the church and Christians began to flee to other countries
What is the Acts of the Apostles?
The full name of the book of Acts
Who is Ananias?
The man who was sent to find and save Saul on his way to Damascus
What is Pentecost?
The day the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues was given to the disciples and 3,000 people were saved
What is Antioch of Syria?
The place where Paul's missionary journeys began
Who are the widows?
The Greek speaking Jews that were being neglected and discriminated against in the early church gatherings
Where is from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the entire world?
According to Acts 1:8, the gospel is to be spread here
Who is John Mark?
An argument about this man leaving one of the missionary journeys caused the separation of Paul and Barnabas
Who is Simon the Sorcerer?
The name of the man who tried to purchase the power of the Holy Spirit
What is Zero?
The number of people out of 276 that died on the boat that was carrying Paul to Rome during a great storm
What is about 40?
The number of Jewish men that vowed to not eat or drink until they killed Paul and tried to set him up to be ambushed but Paul's nephew saved him
Who are Peter and Paul?
The 2 main people that Acts focuses on
What is an earthquake?
God sent this natural disaster to break Paul and Silas
Who is Cornelius?
Peter had a vision that led him to this Gentile man that was a Roman Soldier and was converted and given the Holy Spirit
Who are the Romans/Gentiles/Unbelievers?
The name of the group of people that often saved the disciples and Paul when the Jews were persecuting them
Who is Eutychus?
The name of the boy that fell out of the window and died while Paul was speaking and Paul raised him from the dead.
What is the growth of the church and the power of the Holy Spirit?
The main theme of the book of Acts
What is Rome?
The name of the city that Paul is a citizen of even though his nationality is Jewish
Who were Ananias and Sapphira?
The couple that was killed for lying to the Holy Spirit
Who is Agabus?
The name of the prophet that prophesied that Paul would be arrested if he went to Jerusalem
Who are the 7 Sons of Sceva?
The group of men who were falsely driving out evil spirits in Jesus name and got beat up by an evil spirit