vocab | the great pearl of heaven | Ramon/family | The manta diablo | Sevilliano |
What are pesos
what is a spanish coin that equals 14 cents in u.s. currency
the color is black
what color is the great pearl
Ramon is 16
how old is Ramon
What is a amber brownish orange
What is the Manta's eye color
What is Gaspar Ruiz
What is the Sevilliano's real name
What are siestas
what is a midday or afternoon nap
the pearl weighed 62.3 carats
how much did the great pearl weigh
who is Ramon's father
who taught ramon how to weigh the pearl
People feared the manta because of the myths adults made to their kids to keep them from making to much trouble
why did people fear the manta
Who is Ramon's father
Who did the sevilliano work for
What is a carat
what units are pearls mainly weighed in
the great pearl was found by the island were soto luzon and the manta lived
where was the great pearl found
So Ramon could go searching for pearl with his father
why did Ramon want to learn how to dive
the manta's myth was that it had several eyes an would kill humans or punish them if they were in its way or disturbing it
what was the manta's myth
because of Ramon having a wealthy family at his age when his family was poor
why was the Sevilliano jealous of Ramon
What is a baroque
what are irregularly shaped pearls called
who is ramon salazar
who stole the great pearl from the madona
what is the storm that wrecked their ship
How did Ramon's father die
No because when Ramon saw it he said it had 2 eyes and was a graceful beautiful thing that seemed not wanting to hurt anyone at all
Was the mantas myth true
so he could show that he is one of the best pearl divers/ hunters their has ever been
Why did the sevilliano try to kill the manta
What are lagoons
a shallow bay of water hidden from the ocean by a barrier island
he shedded the top layering and the cut in it disapeared
how did Ramon's father cut the pearl
because gave the great pearl to father gallardo
to despite the buyers because they would not pay 20,000 pesos
why was Ramon's mother mad at his father
the manta had little fish and a shark to listen what people said while he was gone
what did the manta have for hrlp when he left his island
What is 2-3 minutes
how long could the sevilliano hold his breath for