Who Am I? | Old Testament | New Testament | Books of the Bible | Random Bible Answers |
What is Eve?
First woman created
What is 40.
Days & nights it rained when Noah was in the Ark.
What is 27?
Number of books in the New Testament
What is Joshua, Judges, Job, Jeremiah or Jonah?
Name a book of the old testament starting with a "J."
Who is Moses?
Person God gave the 10 commandments.
Who is Mary?
Mother of Jesus
What is 39?
Number of books in the Old Testament
What is Bethlehem?
Place where Jesus was born.
What is Philippians, Philemon, or Peter?
Name a book of the new testament starting with a "P."
Who is Joseph?
Dreamed the sun, moon and stars would bow down to him.
Who is Samson?
Long hair gave him strength
What is the Heaven and the Earth?
God created this on the first day.
What is water?
For his first miracle, Jesus turned this into wine.
What is Daniel?
Old testament book that tells about a person being thrown in the lion's den.
What is a sling shot and stones?
Weapon David used to kill Goliath.
Who is Jesus?
Also known as the way, the truth and the life.
What is dust?
God formed man from this.
What is thorns?
Jesus worn a crown made of _______.
What is Genesis?
Book of the Bible that tells about creation.
What is Jesus wept?
The shortest verse in the Bible says ____ ____.
Who is Samson?
The wisest man.
What is 10?
Number of commandments God gave us.
Who is Jesus?
Soldiers cast lots over this man's garments.
What is four?
Number of books in the New Testaments that have the name John.
Who is Delilah?
Woman Sampson fell in love with that betrayed him by chopping off his hair.