Plot the diagram | It's kind of ironic | Are you being direct or indirect? | Mary Maloney's Murder | What's the format? |
What is Expository?
Met the characters, get the setting, learn the conflict
What is verbal, situational, dramatic irony?
There are 3 types of me
What is Direct and Indirect Characterization?
the two types of characterization
Who is Mary Maloney?
The protagonist of the story
What is double spaced?
The proper spacing used
What is falling action
Events following the most exciting part of the story
What is Verbal Irony?
"I would die for a piece of that chocolate cake" is an example of....
What is Indirect Characterization?
Everyday Mark hits his head on the doorway when he entered the classroom. This is an example of...
What is drinking a second glass of whiskey?
The first sign that something that is wrong with Patrick.
What is Times New Roman?
The proper font used
What is the climax?
The most exciting or interesting part of the story
What is Dramatic Irony?
The poisoned apple that the old lady (The Evil Queen) gives to Snow White and she bites is an example of this...
What is Direct Characterization?
Jim was an honest, truthful man. He never cheated anybody in his entire life. This is an example of...
What is go out to eat?
The typical plan for the Maloney's on a Thursday
What is the right side header
You can find student's first and last name, teacher's name, class name, and date here
What is the resolution?
where we get all questions answered, tied up lose ends
What is situational irony?
The man told his girlfriend to get ready for a fancy dinner. The woman expected to be purposed to at the dinner. At the dinner the man held the woman's hand and explained how he's been married for 5 years. This is an example of...
What is Direct Characterization?
Jane was a beautiful young girl. She had golden hair and blue eyes, which made her stand out from the rest. This is an example of...
What is the murder weapon?
Frozen leg of lamb
What is Modern Language Association?
MLA stands for...
What is rising action?
events building up the story, characters start to get into trouble
What is situational irony
The valedictorian of the school dropping out is an example of this
What is Indirect Characterization?
No matter how tired Rylie was they always made sure that they finished their homework, did all their chores, and got ready for the next day before they went to bed. This is an example of...
What is the officers eating the murder weapon
Reason why Mary Maloney giggles at the end of the story
What is Author's last name & page number
Parenthetical citation (In-text Citation) includes this inside of the parentheses.