Atmosphere 1 Atmosphere 2 Atmosphere 3 The Ozone Layer
The answer is C) Different
The atmosphere is _____ today from what it was when Earth was young
A) similar
B) same
C) different
The answer is A) Pollen
Earth's atmosphere contains ______.
A) Pollen
B) Dirt
C) Rocks
D) All of the Above
The answer is B) Harder
People find it ______ to breath in high mountains.
A) Easier
B) Harder
C) Same
D) None of the Above
The answer is A) Ozone
Molecules of _______ in the Stratosphere absorb some of the Sun's Energy.
A) Ozone
B) Oxygen
C) Hydrogen
D) Methane
The answer is A) Earth to Outer Space
The atmosphere extends from ______.
A) Earth to Outer Space
B) Earth to Moon
C) Earth to Sky
D) Earth to Treetops
The answer is D) Exosphere
The highest layer of the atmosphere is _______.
A) Thermosphere
B) Troposphere
C) Mesosphere
D) Exosphere
The answer is B) High
Temperatures are _____ in the Thermosphere and Exosphere
A) Low
B) High
C) Freezing
D) Tropical
The answer is B) 3
The Ozone molecule is made of _______ oxygen atoms
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 1
The answer is B) Nitrogen
The most abundant gas is ______.
A) Oxygen
B) Nitrogen
C) Helium
D) Neon
The answer is C) Troposphere
______ contains 99% of the water vapor & 75% of the atmospheric gas.
B) Stratosphere
C) Troposphere
D) Exosphere
The answer is B) Troposphere
Jets fly in the ______.
A) Exosphere
B) Troposphere
C) Thermosphere
D) Stratosphere
The answer is B) Energy
Ozone shields us from the Sun's harmful ________.
A) Gas
B) Energy
C) Color
D) Toxins
The answer is D) Carbon Dioxide
Burning fuel will increase the amount of _____.
A) Methane
B) Argon
C) Krypton
D) Carbon Dioxide
The answer is A) Theremosphere
______ is the hottest & thickest layer of the atmosphere
A) Thermosphere
B) Mesosphere
C) Exosphere
D) Stratosphere
The answer is A) Greater
Pressure is _____ near the Earth's surface.
A) Greater
B) Lower
C) Same
D) None of the Above
The answer is B) Destroy
Chlorofluorocarbon molecules _______ ozone.
A) Make
B) Destroy
C) Preserve
D) Control

The Atmosphere & The Ozone Layer

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