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What is the Belt of Truth
A spiritual piece of armor buckled around your waist
Who are John and Peter
After these two men healed a crippled man outside the temple with the power of the Holy Spirit, everyone who saw it were amazed and many people started believing in Jesus as a result.
God gives us strength to do his work no matter what size we are
What is phobia
An irrational or intense fear
Who is Brandon
This leader keeps things fair on the field
What are Fitted Feet
These will help you run faster and jump higher as you tell others about God's peace
Who is Job
Satan had some unhappy surprises for this man who showed amazing faith and instead of turning away from God during loss and pain, he chose to keep trusting God
God and Satan know our thoughts
What is the Milky Way
This galaxy contains more than 100 billion stars
Who is Gavin
Someone who has plenty of pups to keep him busy and has an easy time making others smile
What is the Shield of Faith
This piece of spiritual armor will allow you to extinguish all the falling arrows of the evil one
Who is David
We can trust God to protect our thoughts. Who else did God protect the thoughts of when he was getting ready to fight in an unusual duel.
Even though fear may never completely go away in life, we don't have to stay afraid because God is most powerful
What is an ant
What living thing has a special body structure, called an exoskeleton, that can help it lift objects that weigh several times their weight
What is a concordance
A place where you can go to find Bible verses about specific topics
What is the Helmet of Salvation
This piece of spiritual armor will help you to think about whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, excellent and praiseworthy
Who are Paul and Silas
Two buddies who traveled around, telling people about God and got thrown in jail because of the things they said.
One formation the Roman Soldiers used to stay strong in battle was called the "Tortoise" pose
What is a spider's web
In a way, you can bed steel- when compared to steel thread of the same size, you can bend this delicate material
Who is Robbie
A person you can talk to if you need mathematical or spiritual encouragement
What is the Sword of the Spirit
The word of God, which gives you strength
Who is Abraham
Because of this man's trust in God's promises, we know about the Breastplate of Righteousness.
Satan wants us to think about things that will lead us closer to God
What is Isaac and Rebekah
Hurricanes are given names for ease of tracking. Lists of names repeat every six years. Some hurricane names are the same as people from the Bible. Name one Bible female name and one Bible male name that have been used for hurricanes.
Who is Jesus
Someone who can't tell a lie