Systemic & Coronary Circulation | Position of the Heart | Pericardium | Chambers & Valves | Fact Check |
Systemic circulation moves oxygenated blood from the ______ side of the heart through blood vessels to systemic cells
The inferior border & right border
______ is formed by the right ventricle & ______ the formed by right atrium & ventricle is located anteriorly
The pericardium
Restricts the heart’s movements so that it doesn't bounce like a child in a bouncy house within the thoracic cavity
Closing of the atrioventricular valve
What valve produces the S1 sound (lubb)?
Clenched fist
The heart is about the size of a person's?
Pulmonary circulation moves deoxygenated blood from the ______ side of the heart through blood vessels to the lungs
The left border
What is formed by the left atrium & ventricle is located posteriorly
Serous pericardium
A thin, double-layered serous membrane
Closing of the semilunar valve
What valve produces the S2 sound (dupp)?
What causes the heart size to increase?
True or false: Nutrients are exchanged with the systemic cells before blood is returned to the right side of heart.
Superior border
What border is formed by great arterial trunks (ascending aorta & pulmonary trunk) & superior vena cava
Epicardium & the parietal layer
The layers of the Serous pericardium are?
Aortic semilunar valve
______ is best heard in the 2nd intercostal space right of the sternum
What is used to view coronary circulation?
Blood pressure
______ is the force of the blood pushing against the inside walls of the vessels
The base
Posterosuperior surface of the heart formed by the left atrium; bordered by pulmonary veins that enter the left atrium
Pericardial cavity
The narrow space between the parietal & visceral layers of the serous pericardium.
The left atrioventricular valve, right atrioventricular valve
______ is best heard near the apex of the heart while the ______ is best heard at the interior left sternal border in the 5th intercostal space
Fibrous skeleton
Electrical insulator to prevent action potentials in the atria from passing to the ventricles, so that the ventricles don't contract at the same time as atria
The right atrium receives venous blood from the ______ circulation and the heart muscle itself
The ______ located on the left of the body midline posterior to the sternum in the mediastinum (median space of thoracic cavity)
Fibrous pericardium
A tough, dense connective tissue layer that is attached inferiorly to the diaphragm & superiorly to the base of the great vessels.
Pulmonary semilunar valve
______ is best heard in the 2nd intercostal space left of the sternum
Fibrous skeleton
When the atria contract, the ______ compress the walls of the chambers inward to move the blood into the ventricles.