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What is the 2023 Affordibility percentage?
What is The Affordable Care Act?
What is Adverse Selection?
A situation in which sellers have information that buyers do not have, or vice versa, about some aspect of product quality
What is a Qualifying Event. Life Changing Event is not correct or an acceptable answer.
You have 30 days to change your insurance plan if you experience one of these
What is The Republican Party
The Political Party that has repeatedly tried to overturn the ACA
What is the minimum actuarial value for a health plan to be ACA compliant?
What is the Employee Retirement and Income Security Act?
What is HIPAA?
The federal statute that assures privacy in the handling of sensitive health data
What is 90 Days?
What is the maximum amount of days you can have for a waiting period for benefits eligibility
What are cell phones or Obama phones?
President Obama gave this out to americans who could not afford to purchase one
What is the percentage of employees an employer must offer an ACA compliant plan to.?
What is Minimum Essential Coverge?
What is Reinsurance?
An arrangement whereby an insurer transfers all or part of a risk to another insurer to provide protection against the risk of the first insurance.
What is there is none?
What is the maximum LIFETIME dollar cap on an ACA compliant health insurance policy
Who is Donald Trump?
This Presidential canidate campaigned on the promise to "repeal and replace" the ACA
How many FTE's makes an employer an ALE under the ACA?
What are Essentail Health Benefits?
What are Benefits Adminstration Systems?
Ease and Employee Navigator are types of what?
What is 1
The minimum number of days for Open Enrollment under the ACA
What is Senator John mcCain?
This Republican Senator broke ranks with his party and cast the deciding vote to pass the ACA from his death bed.
What is the number of employees that an ALE is not fined on for violating Penalty A of the Employer mandate?
What is Employee Benefits Security Administration
What is when the Affordable Care Act became Federal Law?
March 23, 2010
What is 12?
The number of weeks an employer must maintain health coverage for an employee on FMLA
What is The Connected Device Grant Program
The program distributed free laptops and tablets to lower income Americans