Habits The Difference Between Being Proactive and Reactive The 7 Habits Definitions Bonus
A settled, or regular tendency, and or practice that is hard to break.
What is a habit?
When someone is being reactive they act like no matter what the are the victim, are easily offended, gets mad and later regrets what they said, whine and complain, wait for things to happen to them, and change only when they have to. (Karens)
What happens when someone is reactive?
Take responsibility for your life
Be Proactive
Listen to other sincerely.
What is the definition for seek to understand, then be understood?
It can do both depending on the habit.
Can a habit make you or break you?
Take initiative to make it happen, think about solutions and options, and act.
What are things that can-do (proactive) attitude people do?
Define your missions and goals in life, have a win-win attitude
Begin with the end in mind and think win-win
Think about the 30 day rule. It takes 30 days t break a habit and 30 days to break a habit and 30 days to create a new one.
Are bad habits easy to get rid of?
Wait for something to happen to them, think about problems and barriers, and are acted upon.
Thing that no-can do (reactive) attitude people do are?
Prioritize, and do the most important stuff first
Put first things first
You become a better person.
What are the benefits of being proactive?
Being Proactive is better but you will feel the need to be Reactive rather then Proactive.
In the book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" is being Proactive or Reactive better?
You become a better person.
What are the benefits of being proactive?
Listen to people sincerely
Seek to understand, then be understood
Are not easily offended easily, take responsibility for their actions, think before they act, bounce back when something bad happens, always find a way to make it happen, and focus on things they can do something about, and don't worry about things that they can't control.
What are some habits that all proactive people have in common? *Look in the book if necessary*
Most people will think that you're a karen.
What are the cons to being reactive?
Work together to achieve more, and renew yourself regularly.
Synergize and sharpen the saw
Think of the 30 day rule. It takes 30 days to make a habit and 30 days to break a habit.
Are bad habits easy to get rid of?

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