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True or false: the 60’s was a decade that broke many fashion traditions and rules
d. all of the above
Which of the following were assassinated in the 1960s?
a. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. b. John F. Kennedy c. Malcolm X d. All of the above. |
a. Boston Celtics
Which team held an 8 NBA title streak in the 60s?
a. Boston Celtics b. Los Angeles Lakers c. St. Louis Hawks D. Syracuse Nationals |
d. all of the above
Which products were invented in the 60s?
a. First video game console b. tape cassettes c. Lava lamps d. all of the above |
d. B & C
What vaccines did scientists/doctors come up with in the 60s?
a.Pfizer b. Rubella c. Mumps d. B and C |
c. mom jeans
Which one of these fashion trends doesn’t belong to the 60’s?
a. colored tights b. Miniskirts c. mom jeans d. go-go boots |
b. Civil Rights Movement
What was a big movement during this time?
a. Legalization of cocaine b. Civil Rights Movement c. Great Awakening d. Revolutionary War |
b. Muhammad Ali
Who was the most famous boxer during this time period?
a. Nino Benvenuti b. Muhammad Ali c. Sonny Liston d. Carlos Ortiz |
the mouse
Which computer accessory was invented in 1964?
c. the liver
What kind of transplant did doctors attempt?
a. Brain b. Kidney c. Liver d. Arm |
True or false: literature in the 60’s reflected what was happening in America on the social and political arena
a. water polo
Which game was not played as a kid in the 60’s?
a. water polo b. kickball c. Jump rope d. tag |
d. all of the above
What movements did the Yippie organization support?
a. Free speech b. Anti-war C. Legalization of marijuana d. all of the above |
a. the Beatles
What was the most popular band of this time period?
a. The Beatles b. One direction c. Metallica D. AC/DC |
True or false: Known brands like starburst and McDonalds were invented in the 60s
d. all of the above
What did authors write about in the 60’s?
a. Feminism b. Homosexuality c. War d. All of the above |
b. the game of life
Which board game was played in the 60’s?
a. Cards against Humanity b. The game of life c. Headbanz d. hungry hungry hippo |
National Organization for Women
What feminist group was founded in ‘66?
Woodstock; Bethel, New York
What popular music festival occurred in the 60s? Bonus 10 pts: Where was it held?
d. both A & C
Which of the following was an immensely popular desert in the 60s?
a. Pineapple Upside-Down cake b. Brownies c. Jell-o d. Both a&c |