What is a set of email addresses of potential customers?
Address List
What is the part of an email a recipetant can read before opening the actual message?
Subject line
What is the difference between the retail price of an item and the cost of the item?
Margin Points
What is the contract between a landlord and a tenant for use of a property?
What is the amount a business charges for items it offers for sale?
What is the goods a factory manufactures and that a retail store offers for sale to their customers?
What is the ease with which products can be sold?
What is any program that tries to build and maintain a base of repeat customers?
Loyalty Program
What is products that have a limited shelf life and must be sold quickly?
What is the product or goods that a retail store has for sale?
What is one that charges the tenant a specific amount of rent each month?
Fixed-Rate lease
What is the number do you get by subtracting an item's cost from its price?
What is an unenclosed shopping area that involves a lot of planning and has a variety of stores?
Business District
What is one that sells the same or comparable merchandise?
Competitive Business
What is the term used to define the number of people who go by a stores location during a given time?
What is one that sells merchandise that is related to, but not the same as, an areas business goods?
Complementary Business
What is the total revenue of a business less all expense's over a specific amount of time?
What is a businesses geographic location?
Trade area
What is the reduction in price of merchandise to increase sales of a product not selling according to projections?
What is a store unattached to other stores?
Freestanding Location