Basic Knowledge | History of inventor | The theory |
Henri Fayol.
Who invented the 14 Administrative Principles?
In what year was the inventor of the Administrative Principles born?
How many elements to the 14 administrative Theory are there?
What are the 14 Administrative Principles also known as?
In what type of company did the inventor of this theory work in?
Planning, Organizing, Command, Coordination, Control.
What are the elements that make up the basis for the 14 Administrative Principles?
In what year were the 14 Administrative Principles invented?
A Managing Director.
After being a mining engineer what did the inventor become in 1888 at the mining company?
Administrative ability.
Did Henri Fayol believe that the success of a business was more successful from administrative ability or technical ability?
By focusing on managerial practices.
How did Fayol think he could minimize misunderstandings and increase efficiency in organizations?
The managers inability to control workers in the mine.
What sparked the inventors idea for the 14 Administrative Principles?
Division of Work.
What is the first principle of the 14?
The father of the modern operational management theory.
What is Henri Fayol often referred to as?
In what year did the inventor found the Centre for Administrative studies?
Esprit de Corps/Team Spirit.
What is the last principle of the 14?