Who Dun It? | The Cousins | The Grown Ups | Miami Family | Homeland Trivia |
What is Pachi
One time I went to use the bathroom at a public bathroom and the seat was gross, so I grabbed a little strip of toilet paper to put on the seat to protect myself, and when I finished, I went to grab more toilet paper to wipe and there was only half a foot left... so I had to end up using the two pieces of paper that I left on the seat to wipe.
What is Her Thunder
What earthly weather condition is Tracy known for stealing from Emily?
What is Jazzercise
What type of classes did Lisa teach for years?
What is Audrey
What is Brianna's middle name?
The Las Vegas Raiders
Who did the Tampa Bay Buccaneers play against in their 2003 Superbowl win?
What is Tiffiney
One time I was called into my bosses office to discuss a serious project. She was standing close to me and I accidentally let out a giant audible fart. We both stood in awkward silence for what seemed like forever and then she let out a pity chuckle. I was mortified.
What is Christian
What is Christian's middle name?
What is North Carolina and Tiff, Pachi and the kids
Where did Lisa and Tony spend their anniversary, and who ended up "running into them" while they were away?
What is Oniel
Who in the Miami family used to be an avid surfer?
What is a Crocodile
What animal is the island of Cuba said to resemble in shape?
What is Salin
My friend was proposing and it was obviously a surprise. They sent us a selfie together at dinner (before he had proposed). She had her hand on his chest, and on it was a huge rock of a ring. So I sent a text back congratulating them on the proposal. Turns out- he hadn't proposed yet, it was just a really nice ring she had on that night...
What is a blue belt
What color belt does Blake have in kickboxing?
David Herandez
What is the name of Melena's favorite insurance man?
What is Frititingo
What was Toti and Melena's favorite chicken's name?
What is the Northern Mockingbird
What is Florida's State Bird?
What is Genesis
One time I got into a car thinking it was my friends that were picking me up. I literally sat down for a hot minute with three strangers without realizing it and even had a convo with an old man sitting in the back seat. Very embarrassing.
What is Sarah
Which cousin was the smallest baby born the day of their birth, weighing only 5.14 pounds?
What is Mayra, Melena and Pachi
Which 3 adults went to the best rock concerts together and saw the biggest bands in the 70's?
What is Madyuri (Marjorie)
What name did Genesis' mother almost give her at birth, but decided last minute to change?
What is 16
How many provinces are in Cuba?
What is Sophia
One time I was pretending I was to be a seal in the pool, and so I laid my body across the deck and scooched towards the waters edge, ready to dive in with no arms... but I fell forward a little too hard and I ended up hitting my head on the bottom and getting a huge chichon on my head. I learned very quickly that I am not in fact a seal.
What is Truth, Beauty, Freedom and Love
What does Sarah's Chinese symbol tattoo mean?
What is 24
How many guitars does Pachi own? (Closest answer wins)
What is They bathed naked in an irrigation ditch
What did Toti and Melena do at the farm that caused Ulla to punish and separate them?
What is Tony
When I was young, I saw this old man sleeping at the table. So me and another kid started throwing macaronis in his fedora hat for fun. Turns out he wasn't sleeping... but he had died. RIP.