Revelation 2-3 Pt. I Revelation 2-3 Pt. II Judgment and Destruction Pathway to Heaven Process of Fulfillment
Who are Betrayers and Destroyers?
These are the chosen people of the seven churches and Nicolaitans.
What is the work the three entities in Rev 2-3 do?
The Seven Messengers: The work of the lampstand that prepare the way
Nicolaitans: sacrifices to idols, teaching, adultery
John: Sent letters of repentance and the word of promise
What happens to the people of the First Tabernacle??
They receive judgment in Rev 16.
When was the book of Revelation fulfilled?
What is Revelation 21?
This is the chapter the Holy City New Jerusalem comes down.
What is the doctrine of Satan?
This is the Food Sacrificed to Idols.
What are the 12 blessings?
Fruit of the tree of life, crown of life, will not be harmed by the second death, hidden manna, white stone, iron scepter, morning star, white robe, being written in the book of life, pillars of God's temple, the name of God and the holy city of New Jerusalem, and Jesus’ new name written on him, sit on the throne with Jesus
What is adultery?
This is a relationship with Satan.
What is after the dragon is defeated in Revelation 12
This is a time when the Holy City New Jerusalem comes down.
Where was the book of Revelation fulfilled?
Tabernacle Temple at the Cheonggye Mountain in Gwacheon
What are the three entities that appear in Revelation?
Seven messengers, Nicolaitans, John
What is the white stone and the iron scepter respectively?
The power to judge.
The Power to rule, respectively.
What is the group of the dragon?
This entity fought against and lost to the overcomer.
What is New Heaven New Earth?
This is the place the Holy City New Jerusalem comes down to.
What is Revelation 12 + Revelation 13?
These are two chapters with the Betrayers Destroyers and the savior.
What are the three contents of the letters in Revelation 2-3.
What you have seen, what is now, and what will take place later.
What is Revelation 12?
In this chapter, the overcomer fights and overcomes.
What is the wine of adultery in Revelation 2 + Revelation 17 (18)?
These are the chapters that show the devil's food and what it is.
What is the hidden manna in John 6 (Rev 10) + Rev 2?
These are the chapters the show God's food and what it is.
What is The 7 stars and the tabernacle → Betrayal → Destruction → Harvest → Sealing → 12 tribes → Marriage → First Resurrection?
This is the simple sequence of events of the fulfillment in Revelation?
What is Revelation 21:7?
This is the verse where the promises of Revelation 2-3 are all fulfilled.
What is the time after the dragon is thrown out?
At this time, God's Kingdom and Power come.
What is being thrown out in Revelation 6 and killed in Revelation 8-9?
This is the result of the people of the first Tabernacle that was promised from Rev 2-3.
What is Mt 24, John 14, Rev 1:2-3, Rev 2-3, Rev 10, Rev 12, Rev 22:16, Rev 4, Rev 11?
These are 7 chapters about the promised pastor, the advocate, in the New Testament.
What is a world of peace without death and pain?
This happens when the Holy City New Jerusalem comes down.

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