What is nature?
Teva translates to this word.
What is a snake?
This is the animal that Harry Potter can speak to.
What is Uruguay?
This country won the first world cup.
Who is Cayce?
If this person could switch lives with anyone, they would pick Pharrell Williams.
When is 1901?
Teva was established in ______.
What is Waystar Royco?
This is the name of the company from the TV show Succession.
What is India?
This is the most populated country in the world
Who is Erion?
This coworker was nicknamed Shrek in High School.
What is 1/12?
1 out of ___ prescriptions in the US are filled with Teva products.
Who is Patrick?
This character in the famous show SpongeBob does not have a nose.
What is 206 bones?
There are these many bones in the human body.
Who is Noah?
This Teva employee wanted to be a marine biologist growing up.
When is 1951?
Teva went public in this year.
What is Days of our lives?
Joey Tribbiani stars on this show in Friends.
What is Mercury?
This planet is closest to the sun.
Who is Frankie?
If this coworker could be any supernatural creature, they would be a unicorn.
What is 60 countries?
Teva operates in these many countries.
What are 4 siblings?
Kevin, from the movie Home Alone had these many siblings.
What is ROCC!!?
This is the best team at Teva's Parsippany office.
Who is Cheryl?
If this person could be any animal, they would be a monkey.