Quality Assurance | Employment Services | Military Branches | NPWE/OJT/Apprenticeship | ICARE/State Voc Rehab |
What is EDRPA?
Entitlement Determination and Rehabilitation Planning Accuracy
What is Employment Service Coordinators/ISC?
Roderick, Donna, and Mary
What is the different military branches?
US Army, US Navy, US Airforce, and US Marine Corps
What is the purpose of NPWE/OJT/Apprenticeship?
Eligible Veterans actively participating in the VA’s Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E) program, the opportunity to obtain training and practical job experience concurrently. This program is ideal for Veterans who have a clearly established career goal, and who learn easily in a hands-on environment.
What is ICARE?
Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, Excellence
What is the different categories for QA review?
What is the services for employment?
1. One-on-ones with Veterans
2. Resume workshops 3. More Consultations with VRCs 4. Developing Employment Leads 5. Engaging and Reengaging Veterans and their employment desires 6. Labor Market Research 7. NPWE Placements |
What is the year the US Army was established?
June 14, 1775
What is 1905C?
_____ VA form needs to be signed by VRC and turned in monthly by employer with veterans NPWE progress.
What is SC Vocational Rehabilitation Department?
_________ prepares and assists eligible South Carolinians with disabilities to achieve and maintain competitive employment.
What is Case Management Level 2?
Case management appointments are required once per standard term attended or at least three times per year for non-standard terms.
What is the list of current agencies accepting NPWES?
Columbia RO
DMV Dorn SCDVA DEW Charleston County Ralph Johnson DSS SCCB USDA |
What is the 3 core values for the USAF?
1. Integrity First
2. Service Before Self 3. Excellence In All We Do |
What is 24 months?
An OJT can be approved for up to ___ months.
What is ICARE's purpose?
Describe the organization's culture and serve as the foundation for the way VA employees should interact with Veterans, fellow employees, and others outside the organization.
What is the required contact frequency for Interrupt cases?
Follow up activities must be conducted in intervals of no more than 90 days.
Who is the Secretary of Labor?
Martin J. Walsh
What is the mission of the US Navy?
"Alongside our allies and partners, we defend freedom, preserve economic prosperity, and keep the seas open and free."
What is the 2 requirements for an OJT work experience?
1. Directly relates to the approved vocational goal.
2. Employer provides a formal training plan. |
What is 25?
There are ___ job readiness training centers throughout the state of SC.
What is ways to improve RSDA?
1. Schedule and conduct your annual reviews at least once every 12 months.
2.Correlate your annual reviews with your supervisions to receive credit for case management appointments. 3.Utilize e-VA and Microsoft Calendar to schedule your annual reviews to ensure they are done in a timely manner. |
What is the purpose/function of the Intensive Service Coordinator?
1. Develop and maintain a VR&E Memorandum of Understanding between the Workforce Development, VETS, and VR&E.
2. Serves as the Workforce Development coordination point to communicate VR&E information between federal and state leadership. 3. Serves as the Workforce Development central point of contact for services to Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment participants. |
What is Master Gunnery Sergeant?
Provides technical leadership as specialists in their specific MOS.
What is the 3 possible requirements that may be included in an apprenticeship program?
1. A pre-apprenticeship program to prepare claimants,
2.Step progressions, which include a wage scale for each step 3. Required Supplemental Instruction |
What is the 7 services provided by the Palmetto Recovery Center?
1. Job Preparedness Instruction
2. Group Therapy 3. Relapse Prevention classes 4. Comprehensive relapse prevention plan 5.Therapeutic Recreation 6. Nutrition Classes 7. AA and NA Meetings |