Thanksgiving Words | Class Subjects | Time | The Perfect Game | Stand and Deliver |
What is turkey
What is Drama
What is 11:23
son las once y viente y tres
What is Cesar
The coaches name
What is Jamie Escalante
the teachers name
What is to go to
va a
What is Physics
What is 7: 14
son las siete y catorce
What is baseball
The game they play
What is computers
What was the Mr. Escalante hired to teach
What is to wash
What is Shop
What is 8:30
son las ocho y treinta
The pitcher in the final game
What is they were accused of chaeting
Why did the students have to take the test twice
What is to return
What is History
What is 5:01
son las cinco y uno
What is Monterrey
Where the team comes from
What is 18
How many people passed the A.P. Exam
What is to eat
What is Lunch
What is 2:42
son las dos y cuarenta y dos
What is St.Louis Cardinals
The team Cesar worked for in the past
What is Garfield High School
What school does Mr. Escalante get hired to teach