Dia de Gracias | School Subjects | Time | Perfect Game | Stand-and-Deliver |
What is turkey
What is freshman focus
What is 1:00
a la uno
Who is Cesar
who was the coach
What is he taught him how to count by nines on his fingers
What was Jaime's response to the finger man
What is come
What is quimica
What is 7:30
a las siete y trienta
Who is Angel
Who pitched the perfect game in the championship
What is 3
What is the passing score for the AP test
What is put
What is speech
What is 10:06
a las diez y sies
What is St. Louis
What team did Cesar work for
What is probation
What problem was Garfield High School facing
What is wash
What is ingles
What is 12:00
a las doce
What is Monterray
Where was the team from
What is computer science
What was Jaime hired to teach
What is muchachoa
What is treatro
What is 3:20
a las tres y viente
What is metal shop worker
What was Angel's father's job
What is they had the same wrong answers
Why were the students accused of cheating