color | cothing | Mexican Independence | bull fighting | the |
What is red
What is a shirt
la camisa
who is pipila
he was a hero
what is the origin of bull fighting
the peasants using capes to distract bulls and save the nobles
what is la
__ casa
What is bule
What is a dress
el vestido
what is Mexican street corn
it is corn with mayo an chill powder
what is the traje de luces
suit of lights or matadors outfit
what is los
What is black
What is
la pulsera
what day is Mexican independence
the 16 of September
what does mata dor mean
what is el
__ boligrofo
What is green
What is jeans
los jeans
where did the war start
in Texas
what are two ways to test a bull
a tienta anf knock it over whith a stick
what is las
What is brown
What is boots
los botas
who is Miguel hidelgo
he was the father of Mexican independents
who was el cid
a national hero of Spain