Colors | Numbers | Senses | Weather | Indiana |
What is Blue
Starts with a B
What is 1
Sounds like done
What is smell
What your nose does
What is snow
White and fluffy
What is South Bend
North city starts with south
What is Green
Starts with a G
What is 2
Comes after 1
What is vision
You can see
What is rain
It's wet
What is Indianapolis
The capitol
What is Yellow
Starts with a Y
What is 3
It's a crowd
What is hearing
It's the sound
What is cold
What is cardinal
State bird
What is Red
Starts with a R
What is 4
2 times 2
What is feeling
Touch it
What is hot
I'm sweating
What is tulip
State tree
What is Orange
Starts with an O
What is 5
The number after 4
What is taste
What is windy
Blown away
What is 92
Has this many counties