World Mythology / Folk lore | Movies | Video Games | Random Trivia part 2 |
Who is Zeus
This god is known for his association with lightning in Greek mythology
Who is Robert Downey Jr
This actor is known for his role as Iron Man.
what is "Minecraft"
The highest selling videogame of all time
what is, "Mercury"
the name of the planet that is closest to Sun
what is, The Kraken
This Scandinavian sea monster was known for spreading fear among sailors and using its tentacles
to sink ships |
Who is Chris Rock.
This comedian was slapped by Will Smith at this years Oscars.
what is, "Rainbow Road"
the final course of the Special Cup featured in all Mario Kart games
What is the Knight
In chess this is the only piece that can move in the shape of an “L”
Who is Hercules
This mythological hero was known for his 12 labors
what is. "Tokyo Drift"
The title of the "fast and furious" movie that takes place in Japan
Call of Duty World at War
This Call of Duty title was the first to have the "zombies" mode
what is a Hummingbird
this is the only bird that can hover, fly backwards, and fly directly up and down.
what is "Loch Ness"
The name of the body of water that The Loch Ness Monster is said to live in
What is Parasite
This Korean featured length film (movie) was the first non-english language film to win the Academy Award for best picture in 2019.
Street Fighter
the characters Zangief, Guile, and Chun-Li are from this videogame franchise
Joust, floater, dump, cut shot, and wipe are all terms used in this sport.
what culture does the sun deity that is depicted as a scarab beetle originate from. This group of people believed each day the sun rose was similar to the way the beetles would push dung across the ground.
what is, "The Truman Show"
this movie is known for the character saying, "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"
What is "Star Craft"
In this RTS game you can choose from one of 3 races to battle against opponents.
Zerg Protoss Terran |
What is "Battle Royale"
This movie not only inspired the character Gogo Yubari from Quinten Tarantino’s “Kill Bill”, but also was the inspiration for the main characters iconic yellow jacket.
People also criticize the author of the "Hunger Games" for stealing an idea. |