Health Promotion | Trach | Chest Tube | Respiratory | Pediatric |
Mother to fetus, mother to infant through breast milk
How does a child receive naturally acquired passive immunity?
Restlessness, Irritability, Anxiety, Confusion, Altered LOC, Increased HR, RR, Cyanosis, Pallor
Signs of hypoxia
A. the tube will allow for equalization of the lung expansion
B. Chest tubes serve as a method of draining blood and serous fluid and assist in inflating the lungs C. Chest tubes relieve pain associated with collapsed lung D. Chest tube assist with cardia
The nurse is caring for a 30 - year old male admitted with a stab wound. While in the ER a chest tube is inserted. Which of the following explains the primary following explains the primary rationale for insertion of chest tube?
Egg allergy, fever and history of Guillain-Barre
What are the contraindications for the flu shot?
Safe Room
Where is a proper place for a child to get therapeutic Play
Vaccine, date, manufacture, lot, expiration, RN
What documentation is needed for immunizations?
True or False:
The head of the bed should be elevated to 30 degrees or more for trach patients. |
There will be a fast pace steady bubbling in the water seal chamber.
Looking at the chest tube drainage system how do you know if there is a leak?
Nasal Flaring Dyspnea/Apnea Grunting Chest wall retractions
What are the five signs of an infant in respiratory distress?
Caregiver or Family
When Caring for pediatrics don't forget the needs of who?
False. Live virus
True or False MMR is an inactive attenuated Viral Vaccine
Date and Time care is performed
Color, amount, consistency and odor of secretions Stoma Appearance Respiratory Status Procedure tolerance
When documenting on a trach what do you document on?
Assess the patient before the equipment
You walk into the room of a patient with a chest tube who is in distress, what do you do first?
What is the common name for acute spasmodic laryngitis
Delayed Development
Head Injury Sedated Suicidal Ideations
Who is most at risk for injuries in a pediatric hospital?
Repeat Injection of required derived immunized drugs
How do you get Serum Sickness?
Increased Respiratory Rate
Adventitious sounds Nasal Secretions Drooling Gastric Secretions or vomit coming from mouth
Signs and symptoms indicating need for suction?
Hemothorax - Collection of blood in the pleural cavity
Pneumothorax - Air in the pleural cavity causing a collapsed lung Pleural Effusion - Build up of fluid between the layers of tissue that line the lungs and chest cavity
What are the differences between Hemothorax, Pneumothorax, and pleural effusion?
Mouth or stomach material into the trachea then lungs.
What is Aspiration Pneumonia
False. This is the preschool age stage for Erikson's. School age is regression, increased need for attention, and fear of body mutilation
True or False According to Erikson - School age children are usually fearful, mistrust and think they are being punished
Determination Action Maintenance
Prochaska and Diclementes Theoretical model of change Name the 4 stages
Places obturator into new trach, place new trach into patients stoma replace obturator with inner cannula
You walk into a patients room and their trach is dislodged what do you do?
Place a Vaseline gauze over the hole in the chest wall, and place and occlusive dressing over the gauze. Call MD immediately
Your patient had a chest tube placed this morning. You walk into the room to check the dressing. The tube has come out of the patient. What do you do?
Fever, Shaking chills, SOB, productive cough, pleuritic chest pain
What are signs and symptoms of aspiration pneumonia
A. altered body image
B. Pain management C. Restricted physical activity D. Separation from family
While giving nursing care to a hospitalized adolescent, the nurse should be aware that the MAJOR threat felt by the hospitalized adolescent is: