Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Vocab/Study Strategy
Prior Academic Record
Social Influences
Career Direction
Situational Problems
Name two categories of stress
summing up important information by writing key ideas in the margin
What is annotation?
organized, distinguish main points from details, include examples, clearly indicate lecture patterns, allow for self testing, stand the test of time, use abbreviations
Name two characteristics of good notes
Engaging in activities that will help you learn and recall information
Define rehearsal
In the 3" margins
Where do mirror questions go in the lecture note strategy?
Take charge
Be flexible
Seek help
Put Problems in Perspective
Develop Interests
Enjoy yourself
Name two strategies for reducing stress
Noise level, your learning place
What makes a good learning environment?
__________ lectures progress from specific to general
Everyone comes prepared, everyone can talk through difficult ideas with the group, members are classmates not just friends, meets in environment conducive for studying, clear goals and structures
What are two characteristics of good study groups
Pro/Con T
Which KWD strategy requires a concluding statement?
Be prepared
How can you reduce public speaking anxiety?
Definitions, examples, predicted test questions, people, dates, places, events, numbered lists or characteristics, relationships between concepts, graphs charts or diagrams.
List 3 types of information you should annotate.
Parallel Notes
***Daily Double***
First, print out the notes the professor supplies before class and place them in a three-ring binder. As the professor lectures, take your own notes on the blank facing page, following along with the notes the professor supplied and fil
a plan a student follows when preparing for an exam. It includes specific info about the topic to be covered in each session, as well as their date and times, strategies to be used and post session reflection and evaluation
Define specific study plan
***Daily Double***
Which KWD would you use for this type of information?
Your professor has discussed the economic policies of American presidents Bush, Clinton, and Obama
Public speaking anxiety, writing anxiety, math anxiety, and test anxiety
What are the four academic stresses?
Read first then annotate, write in own words
What are the two necessary actions to annotate?
Do the assigned reading, Review your notes from previous lectures, Get to class early to be ready
What three things should you do when getting ready to take notes?
CARDS, Concept Maps, Charting, Question-Answer strategy, Time Lines
Name two written rehearsal strategies
Provides an outline, can be used as a checklist, can help structure your essay, possible bonus points
What are two ways in which KWD can help you when taking an essay exam?
Don't procrastinate, don't listen to other students right before a test, learn to say no
What are the three tips for reducing academic stress?
Read chapter title, read headings and subheadings, read bold faces or italicized items, note typographical aids (charts graphs), read the intro, read the summary and the end of chapter material
Name 4 ways to preview a reading assignment.
Draw a line down the left hand side of the paper, creating a 2-3 inch margin. During note taking, take your notes on the wider right-hand side of the paper and then after class you use the margin to pull out key points. **Note taking strategy
Draw an example of Split-Page Notes
Pose questions about the important information covered, then answer each of the questions you posed.
What is the question/answer rehearsal strategy?
D. Contrast
Unlike stimulants, depressants slow functioning in the central nervous system. This is an example of which context clue?
A. Synonym B.Definition C. Example D. Contrast E. Inference

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