bull fighting | colores | la ropa | colors of stuff | colors of stuff cont. |
What is a short stick with knives at the end?
What is the color red?
What is shoes?
las zappatos
What is colors of christmas?
rojo, verde
What is colors of McBain Ramblers?
amarillo, verde
What is a long lance with a point at the end called?
What is the color yellow?
What is a skirt?
la falda
What is colors of Italy?
rojo, blanco, verde
What is colors of NMC?
amarillo, marron
What is the length of a bullfight?
12 minuites
What is the color green?
What is a dress?
el vestido
What is colors of Detroit Pistons?
rojo, azul
What is colors of Michigan State?
verde, blanco
What is a way to test a bull?
poke its neck
What is the color brown?
What is a shirt?
la camisa
What is colors of Detroit Tigers?
azul, naranjo
What is colors of Michigan?
amarillo, azul
What is what you can win in a bullfight?
ears and tail of the bull
What is color de plato?
What is a neclace
What is colors of Detroit Red Wings?
rojo, blanco
What is colors of Mexico?
rojo, blanco, verde