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What type of traditional clothing is worn in the winter?
Akihabara (秋葉原)
Which district of Tokyo features many electronic stores and shops containing anime and manga?
Curry (カレー or カレーライス)
Japanese dish imported from India. Contains a variety of spices and is often served with rice.
White Day
Which holiday accompanies Valentines Day, but occurs exactly one month later?
Kanji (漢字)
Hiragana (ひらがな) Katakana (カタカナ)
Name the three Japanese writing systems.
Harajuku (原宿)
What is a large shopping district that sells international brands, its own brands, and sells clothes that young people can afford?
Tokyo Disneyland (~14 million)
Which Japanese amusement park has the largest annual attendance?
Sashimi (刺身)
Thinly sliced, raw seafood.
Tanabata (七夕)
_______ is the festival which celebrates two lovers, Orihime and Hikoboshi, that meet once a year on the 7th day of the 7th month.
In English, word order is generally subject-verb-object. In Japanese it is _______-_______-_______.
What type of fashion is based on Victorian-era clothing as well as costumes from roccoco?
__________ means "empty orchestra" and is very popular in Japan. It is a form of interactive, electronic entertainment.
Soba (蕎麦)
______ is a type of noodle made of buckwheat flour.
Bon Festival (盆)
A Buddhist observance honoring the spirits of ancestors.
A) 125 million
Global number (approx) of native Japanese speakers:
A) 125 million B) 215 million C) 95 million D) 70 million |
Gyaru (ギ'ャル) or gals
A type of street fashion that originated in the 1970's traditionally characterized by bleached and dyed hair?
Baseball (45% of population)
Most popular sport in Japan.
Maguro is sushi made from which fish?
Setsubun (節分)
This festival marks the division between Winter and Spring.
Japanese Language Proficiency Test
What is the acronym for the test which evaluates a non-native Japanese speaker's language understanding and what does each letter stand for?
Young unmarried women
Who wears a furisode (振袖)?
Manzai (漫才)
Traditional style of Japanese comedy.
Which country's cuisine would you be eating if you were at a Yaki Niku restaurant in Japan?
Second Monday of October
When is Sports Day celebrated?
Show う/ウ/U using JSL (Japanese Sign Language).