All Terry | Favorites | 1977 | Terry and DeeAnn | Star Trek--Anything and Everything |
What is August?
The month Terry was actually due.
What is coffee
Terry's favorite drink
Who is jimmy carter
The current President of the US
What is a radio station
The place Terry and DeeAnn met
What is Voyager
DeeAnns favorite ST series
What is Lynn?
Terry's middle name.
Terrys favorite color
Who is George W. Bush
This man married Laura Welch
What is memorial day
The holiday terry proposed on
Who is captain James T. Kirk
The first captain of Star Trek
What is 2 pounds, 2 ounces?
Terry's birth weight
Star Trek
Terry's favorite TV show
Who his indira gandhi
The female prime minister in India resigned
where is vermont
The state terry and deeann went on their honeymoon
who is spock
the name of the guy with the pointed ears
What is 2 years old
The age Terry was when he shot himself.
What is gardening
Terry's favorite pastime
The us returned this canal to the country whose name it bears.
what is 4
The number of different houses they have lived in including doug and rosie's house
who are the borg
The name of aliens that assimilated other species
What is Chesapeake
The name of the city Terry grew up in
2 large breasts
Terry's favorite meal at Chicken Marys
The guillotine
France performed its last execution in this way
what is 18
The number of years they will be married this october
what is live long and prosper
The words spock says as he splits his fingers to greet people