Starbucks | |
What are Partners?
An employee of Starbucks
What is Google's Contract number?
What is 6182 for US and 6336 for Canada?
Contract number for Starbucks
What is the number to transfer to about an existing claim for Google?
See DNA, 1261080 for existing bonding, pregnancy, maternity claims and 1261081 for any other type existing claims.
What LOB do we service for existing claims?
Disability, Leaves and WC
What is LOB handled by Sedgwick for new claims?
Disability and Leave Requests
What is the PCT and when do we contact them (for what kind of claims?)
Partner Care Team and we will transfer to this line when the caller has questions about an existing parental leave claim
What is handling office fax and email address for Google?
859-280-4800/ [email protected]
What is the MIG and when is it generated?
Medical Information Guide, generated for WC claims in CA but for all other states, must reference Talispoint to get WC claimant providers outside of CA.
What is number for Google employees to report a WC claim?
Gallagher Bassett (PC365 Triage Nurse) 888-335-6397