Fast Facts | Effects of Drugs | Wild Cards |
No, prescription medication is only legal for the person for whom it is prescribed. It is also illegal to sell your own or someone else’s prescription medication.
Is it okay to take someone else's prescription medication?
Smoking can damage the lungs. Smoking marijuana can put carcinogenic tar and other toxins into your lungs. This increases the risk of bronchitis, chronic inflammation (chronic coughing or wheezing) and lung cancer.
How can smoking marijuana affect your lungs?
**Stress, experimenting, curious, peer pressure, for fun
Name three reasons why some teens use substances and three reasons why some don’t.
It lowers it
What does alcohol do to your body temperature?
Alcohol is considered a depressant or downer and energy drinks are uppers with high amounts of caffeine in them. Mixing uppers and downers can increase the risk of overdose.
What are the risks of mixing energy drinks and alcohol?
Trying to quit but can’t, conflicts in relationships (friends, family, partner, etc), it’s affecting their commitments (school, work, sports etc), it’s affectingfinances (stealing, selling, dealing, exploitation). (See the “Problematic Use” brainstorm in the Teen Talk Toolkit for a more detailed debrief.)
What are three signs of someone’s substance use becoming a problem?
More teens die from prescription drugs than heroin/cocaine combined
What drugs do teens die from the most, prescription drugs, heroin or cocaine
Vomiting, blacking out, passing out, cold/clammy skin, slurring, lack of muscle coordination.
Name three signs of alcohol overdose.
Alcohol and tobacco
What two substances account for the majority of deaths in the western world?
Is coffee a drug
It can have a very different effect on the person for whom it wasn’t prescribed
How could taking someone else’s prescription medication be harmful?
Cannabis reduces nausea, so people can drink more without getting sick, which can result in alcohol poisoning.
Why is it more dangerous to drink alcohol and use cannabis (marijuana) together than using either one alone?
What is the average age someone experiments with drugs for the first time
Physical, Psychological and long term
What general effects does cocaine have on you
AFM, guidance counselor, teen clinic, support group (like AA), older or more informed friend/brother/sister/parent
Name three places to go for information and help with substance use.