Health & Safety Emergency Plan Chemical Hazards Weather Emergency Talking Safety
What is ways to prevent the spread of flu viruses?
Cover nose/mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, wash hands, don't touch eyes, nose or mouth, Stay home when ill.
If you smell smoke and suspect there is a fire somewhere in the building, what should you do?
Alert others. Pull fire alarm if available. Get out of the building. Call 911 from outside.
If an unknown chemical spills in your workplace, what should you do?
Leave it alone and get your supervisor
If you are in a building and hear a tornado warning siren, what should you do?
Go to the lowest level of the building(the basement, if there is one) A storm shelter, or an interior room without windows.
You are working on a construction site and a co-worker enters a trench and passes out. What do you do?
Tell a supervisor. Don't go after him; you may become a second victim. Call 911
What is the correct procedure to do when a co-worker slips on a wet floor and passes out. What do you do?
Don't move him. call 911, check his breathing and heartbeat. Give CPR if you can. cover and keep him warm.
True or False
If you are caught in a fire, you should stay close to the ground.
If a chemical gets into your eye, what should you do?
Flush your eye with water for at least 15 minutes.
What is the difference between a weather watch and weather warning?
Watch- Sever weather possible during the next few hours.
Warning; Severe weather expected soon.
What should you use to put out a grease fire on a stove?
Use a pan lid or baking soda; never use water or flour.
What is the procedure if a co-worker falls off a ladder and injures his back, what should you do?
Don't move him. (This can cause more damage) Call 911 for help.
What are the steps for using a fire extinguisher?
Pull the pin, aim the nozzle, squeeze the trigger, sweep extinguisher back and forth over the fire.
What does the symbol of a skull and crossbones mean?
If you are working outside when a lightning storm starts and you can't get to shelter, what should you do?
Crouch low to the ground, sit on the balls of your feet, and stay away from trees and metal objects.
What should you do if you are in a building and the power goes out?
Stay calm. If it is ok to leave, look for lighted exit signs. Otherwise, stay in place and check with your supervisor.
What is the procedure for a server cut?
Apply pressure to the wound and, if there are no broken bones, elevate the wound above the heart. Seek medical help.
If someone comes into your workplace with a gun, what should you do?
Cooperate fully with the gunman's instructions. Don't try to be a hero.
What con you use to melt ice on the sidewalks in the winter?
Rock Salt
If you are driving to work and see the tunnel shape of a tornado approaching, What should you do?
Get out of the car and lie down in a low place.
If your clothes catch on fire, What should you do?
Stop, Drop, and Roll; or smother the flames with a blanket. Never Run.
What is procedure for a very serious burn? What do you do?
Call 911. Do not remove clothing stuck to the burned area.
What phone number should you call to report an emergency?
What two common cleaning products should you never mix, because they make a gas that can kill you?
Hint: Think of Mrs. Schwegler
Ammonia and bleach ( the mixture releases chlorine gas, which can be deadly)
How many exit routes must a workplace have?
Enough to allow all employees and customers to get out safely- But at least two.
Name at least one factor that increases your risk of being robbed at work.
Working Alone; Working at night, or having axes to money.

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