Statistics Random Trivia True or False Name that #! Quotes - Real or Fake
What percentage of teens with life sentences reported growing up with violence in their homes?
What is 79%?%
*Will accept 75 to 80% as correct*
An adolescents’ emotional processing is still immature before the age of 18.
What is true?
Idaho allows teen life sentences.
(juveniles without parole)
What is true
How many JWOP's are in Georgia?
What is 25?
“Sentencing a 13-year-old to life in prison without the possibility of parole is a just sentence for such atrocious crimes."
~Bryan Stevenson
What is fake?
What percentage of JWOP were enrolled in school at the time of their crimes?
What is less than 50%?
The U.S. is 1 of 3 countries in the world that sentences people to die in prison for offenses committed while under the age of 18. (U.S. / Ireland / Spain)
What is false?
The U.S. is the only country to do so.
Navarus Mayhew now 42, has served 22 years in prison.
What is false?
24 years in prison.
How many JWOP's are in Louisiana?
What is 303?
Adolescence is marked by “rashness, proclivity for risk, and inability to assess consequences.”
~Josh Rovner
What is real?
What percentage of JWOP's were physically abused before committing their crimes?
What is 47%?
*Will accept 45% to 50% as a correct*
During panic from politicians and attorneys about “super-predators", (teen criminals) juvenile crime actually declined between 1999 and 2013.
What is false?
it was from 1994 to 2000 (it increased in 2001).
Most teens will never get the chance for rehabilitation, in prison - even though they show the ability to.
What is true?
"Life without parole is immoral for adolescents because it means society has given up hope on the juvenile..."
~Bryan Gowdy
What is real?
What percentage of female JWOP's reported physical abuse?
What is 80%?
*will accept 78% to 83% as a close enough*
Among dozens of organizations, many Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist organizations agree that life sentences are too harsh for teens.
What is true?
Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Louisiana – account for about two-thirds of JLWOP sentences (out of 29 states).
What is true?
"As long as Maryland keeps the exclusive authority to parole in the hands of the Governor... people will be treated like political footballs."
~Sonia Kumar
What is real?
What percentage of JWOP's grew up in public housing?
What is 32%?
*Will accept 30% to 35%*
A 50-year sentence for a 16-year old will cost approximately ______________.
What is $2.25 million dollars?
White juvenile offenders with African American victims are only about half as likely (3.6%) to receive a JWLOP sentence.
What is true?
“It is cruel — and a violation of the U.S. and Maryland Constitutions — to operate a system of parole in which actual releases are so exceptional and rare as to be newsworthy.”
~Sonia Kumar
What is real?

Teen Life Sentences

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