Colleagues | Motors | Interesting facts | Birthdays | Holidays |
Longest serving TWMI staff still member working
Who is Cheryl Ethier (36 years)
This is the smallest standard motor horsepower offered by TWMI
What is 0.25HP (TEFC Rolled Steel)
This person was asked not to compete in the TECO GO-ECO step contest
Who is Bill Kirby
Closest to the new year
Who is Don Morozewich (Jan 3)
Travelled the furthest on vacation
Who are Adrian and Michelle Orso
How many people are employed at TWMI East
What is 15
CSA area classification where the explosive condition exists at all times
What is Class I Division I
This staff person met Mohamed Ali
Who is Deborah Jeffs (1988)
This month has no TWMI birthdays
When is August
Sylvain & Lucy Trudeau's honeymoon destination
Where is Playa del Carmen Mexico
Name a married TECO couple
Who are Adrian & Michelle Orso
Who Are Michelle and Trevor Jendrick |
The only motor that cannot be substituted
what is TEXP
This staff person is the greatest giver of us all
Who is Gary Strauss (Donated kidney)
This birthday is a matter of the heart
Who is Enio Giancaterino (Feb 14)
The pyramids at Giza are checked off my bucket list
Who is Mike Orso
Shortest serving TWMI staff still working
Who is Diane Shih
What is Totally Enclosed Blower Cooled
This person has taken the most parental leave
Who is Amanda Croft
Last TWMI birthday of the year
Who is Cheryl Ethier (Dec 13)
my vacation home is a boat
Who is Mike Tough
I am the only inside sales person not to have suffered a foot/ankle injury
Who is Sue McDow
This is removed when installing a shaft grounding ring
What is the Division 2 nameplate
Close family played NHL hockey
Who is Louise Heaney(Tanner Richard cousin)
This person birthday marks the summer solstice
Who is Joe Mrzljak (June 22)
My hometown is the furthest South
Who is Frank Baig (Karachi Pakistan Lat 25deg N)