iOS | Android | Fire OS | Windows | Miscellaneous |
What is Apple
Who created iOS?
What is Google
Who owns Android?
What is Android
What is fire OS a fork of?
What is MS dos
What was Windows on top of?
What is tv OS
What is Apple's tv OS?
What is skankphone
What was the hardware team use as their operating system?
What is the Open Handset Alliance
What is the company that makes phones that run on Android?
What is Fire TV
What devices does fire OS run on?
What is Windows ME
What is the worst performing version of Windows?
What is linux
What operating system is Android based on?
What is YouTube
What was the pre-installed video app?
What is the Samsung s23
What is the biggest Android phone?
What is Fire Phone
What phone ran fire OS?
What is Windows 1.0
What was the first version of Windows?
What is Windows
What is the Xbox's operating system based on?
What is iPhone
What Smartphone does iOS run on?
What is Angry Birds
This game was released on Android it is about flightless birds?
What is Amazon
What company makes fire OS?
What is Windows XP
What is the most successful version of Windows?
What is one million dollars
How much money does a Superbowl ad make?
What is iOS 16
What is the latest version of iOS?
What is YouTube
What video app is on Android?
What is Amazon app store
What is the app store for fire OS?
What is OS/2
What operating system did Microsoft and IBM work on?
What is Google assistant
What is Android's voice assistant?