Key Selling Features | Tile Styles | Color & Design Options | Expansion Joints | All Things TechFloor |
What is the retail price for Smooth Surface & Solid w/ Raised Squares Tiles per square foot?
What is the common material in each tile style that we offer?
How many base polypropylene colors are available?
How many color options are Expansion Joints available in?
Woodcreek warehouse
Where do all TechFloor parts ship from?
What is the retail price for Premium w/ Traction Squares Tiles per square foot?
Flow Thru or Non Flow-Thru
What are the two different options that each 12"x12" tile style has available?
How many different color options are available in our Premium w/ Traction Squares Tiles?
What is the size of the Expansion Joint tile?
RaceDeck & SwissTrax
What are the names of our 2 biggest competitor products?
What is the number of different tile sizes that we offer?
What is the only tile size that is available in each style that we offer?
Tan & Terracotta (both use brown)
Every tile color uses black contrasting Traction Squares except for these 2?
Every 5 to 7 feet apart, minimum of 4 feet deep
What is the recommended install for Expansion Joints?
What is the restock fee for retail TechFloor order customer returns?
What is the number of different Beveled Edge (border pieces) that we offer? |
What is difference in cost between Solid design tiles & Flow-Thru design tiles?
What is the difference in cost between color matched Traction Squares vs contrasting colored Traction Squares?
East, West, & South
You need to always recommend Expansion Joints if the install is facing either of these 3 directions? (name all 3)
Rubber Mallet & Tape Measure
Though no hardware is required, what 2 items are recommended for TechFloor Installation?
3/4" x 12" Trim Tile
What is the smallest tile size that we offer?
Thermo Plastic Elastomer
What is the full name of the material that is exclusive to our Premium w/ Traction Sqaures Tiles?
12"x12", 6"x6", 3"x3", & 3"x12"
You can offer your customer the complete 29 color options in these 4 tiles sizes.
Up to 3/8" of expansion
How much expansion does each Expansion Joint tile allow?
2"x3" Beveled Edge Expansion Joint & Expansion Joint Intersection
What are the only TechFloor items that are packaged in quantity of 1?