What Mode | 1 hour or Less Action | What Equipment is Required | Trip Setpoints, Logic, and Basis | Pump Start permissives |
When Is Modes 1-3
PRZ Level Less Than 75% with 2 heaters with greater than 125KW
3.4.3 |
What is IMMEDIATELY borate at >30gpm of >7000ppm boron until SDM is restored
Shut Down margin is less than 1770 pcm
What is All RCS Loops shall be in operation RCS Loops Modes 1-2
What is 2385# 2/3 Prevents Safety lift
Pressurizer High Pressure
What is Discharge Valve Closed, Seal Flow >8GPM, one minute time delay interlock between pump starts
Circulating Water Pump
When Is During Core Alterations or movement of Irradiated Fuel within Containment
The Containment Ventilation Isolation System required
3.9.9 |
What is restore in 15 minutes or be in Hot Stand by in the next 15 minutes
Tavg is <551f in mode 1-2
What is a minimum of one pressurizer code safety valve with a lift setting of 2485 +/-1% Safety Valves Modes 4-5 (PRZ)
What is 25%, 2/4 Power Excursion
Power Range Neutron Flux LOW
What is No electrical faults, Seal flow >5 Gpm
Normal Service Water Pump
When is Mode 4
When are 2/5 including RCS Loop A/B/C RHR A/B |
What is IMMEDIATELY suspend all CORE ALTS or positive reactivity changes
Modes 4-6 No CSIPs are operable that can be powered from an emergency power source
What is Level 92%, Boron 2424-2576, temp 40-125
3.5.4 RWST Modes 1-4
What is 5148 2/3 for .75s, DNB
RCP undervoltage
What is Pump Lockout Reset (86HR) Bus lockout reset (UV/Differential) #4 FWH above Lo setpoint, NPSH>25ft
Heater Drain Pump
When is Mode 1 >50%
When is AFD required to be within the limits specified in the COLR
What is Determine SDM in 1 hr and Hot Standby in 6hrs
Modes 1-2, 1 Control rod is determined to be untrippable.
What is 3268-3768 gal @ 27-29% NaOH, and two spray additive educators Spray Additive System Modes 1-4
What is 25% 2/3 (Channels 1-3) Loss of Heat sink
Steam Generator Lo Lo
What is Bus UV/pump protection relays reset, Suction Valve Open, Discharge Valve Open, Suction Pressure >50#, lube oil pressure >10#, VSFC scoop tube in minimum, Either condensate pump running
Condensate Booster Pump
When is Modes 1-3
all main steam line Code Safety valves associated with each steam generator
What is calculate QPTR every hour and, in 30 min reduce 3% for every 1% >1.02 QPTR
Mode 1 >50% QPTR is >1.09
What is Isolation Valve open with breaker open, Level 66-96%, Boron 2424-2576, N2 pressure 585-665#
3.5.1 Accumulators Cold Leg Injection
What is 87%, 2/3, Water through Safeties
Pressurizer High Level
What is Up Steam pumps running, Oil pressure >13#, Suction Valve open, Both recirculation valves open, suction pressure >267#, and seal water pressure >325#
Main Feed pump