Camden | Vacationland | Team Southeast | Bank on it |
What is 58
This is how many branches Camden National Bank currently has.
What is 202!
Hold old Maine is.
Who is, Nikki!
This stakeholder is our region's engagement champion
What is $25,000
This is the minimum loan amount for a HELOC.
What is Thinner
The name of the Stephen King movie that showed the building in downtown Camden that is now our Main Office.
What is 16
How many counties Maine has.
Who is, Jim!
The banking center manager in our region whom has been with the Company the longest.
What is 5
This is the number of consumer checking accounts we currently offer.
What is 2009
This is the year Greg Dufour became our President.
What is Moosehead
The biggest lake in Maine.
Where is Damariscotta.
Where the "Northern most" banking center in our region is located.
What is a 720
This is the credit score required for our Unsecured Home Improvement Loan.
What is a Five & Dime
Camden National Bank started out in 1875 in the back of this store.
What is Knox County.
Camden, Maine is located in this county.
What is 15
The number of banking centers that make up our region.
What is Visa
The type of debit cards we offer.