Leadership Concepts Core Activities Great Books and Authors School Law Cognitive Coaching
What is a WCU leader?
In EDL 603 - Fullan believes reform at the school level is necessary for student success. Leadership at the school level is team work and collaboration. Who is someone who encourages learning and leading of all educators.
What is 86?
This is the number of activities that we have completed throughout the course of our studies at Western Carolina.
What is Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders?
This book discussed the barriers, the guiding principles, the continuum, and essential elements for shifting the culture of the school or district. We know it more as the L, R, & T book.
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
This well-known case ruled that the separate but equal doctrine established in the Plessey decision had no place in public education; separate educational facilities are fundamentally unequal.
What are the four categories intended to support teacher development?
Evaluating, Collaborating, Consulting, and Cognitive Coaching.
What is an Authentic Leader?
In EDL 601 - Starratt quoted Duignan, "this kind of leader always acts with the good of others in view. Authentic leaders believe deeply in people and their abilities to make ordinary things into great things (2004, p. 71).
What is reflecting on and getting real experience on administrative tasks?
This is the purpose of completing the core activities.
What is Rethinking Leadership?
This book by Thomas Sergiovanni is collection of articles that discuss leadership based on Moral community using the heart, head, and hand of Leadership as guiding principles.
What is FERPA?
This acronym stands for rights that all students and families should be granted in terms of educational records. When the child turns 18, mommy and daddy no longer have rights to thos records.
What is Cognitive Coaching?
A nonjudgmental, interactive strategy focused on developing and utilizing cognitive processes, liberating internal resources, and accessing the five states of mind as a means of more effectively achieving goals while enhancing self-directed learning.
What are three virtues a great leaders possesses?
Responsibility, authenticity, and presence
What are the Electronic Evidences?
These are the activities that correlate with the core activities and we documented in individual courses.
Who is Starratt (Robert J. Starratt)?
This is the author of the book on Ethical Leadership in which he states that leadership should be based on moral commitment based on the three essential virtues: Responsibility, Authenticity, and Presence.
What is the Lemon Test?
This particular test has nothing to do with the faith you place in your car, but everything to do with faith in schools. It is a three pronged piece:

1.The government's action must have a secular legislative purpose;
2.The government's action must not ha
What are the mental maps of cognitive coaching?
Planning, Reflecting and Problem-Resolving Conversation.
What is being a present?
Starratt says, "Being half of this can easily be the cause of harm to another, whether we are driving a car, making a joke, making love, keeping accounts, or teaching. We have a responsibility to avoid being half what"
What is to allow the candidate to experience how the course content applies to their school.
Core Activities are selected for each course to do this?
Who is Fullan (Michael Fullan)?
This book, Leading in a Culture of Change, based on the five components of leadership: Moral Purpose, Understanding Change, Relationship Building, Knowledge Building, and Coherence Making.

What is Due Process?
To be an effective leader it is important that we extend this to all those involved in infractions. Everyone should have a say (even students), especially when they are being deemed as doing something offensive.
What is Paraphrasing?
This tool aligns the parties involved and creates a safe environment for thinking by probing for detail and elaboration before questioning.
What is ones' heart, head and hand? (The heart is beliefs, visions, and commitment, the head is the theories, strategies, and actions, and the hand is decisions and behaviors.)
Sergiovanni stated "leadership is a personal thing. It comprises of three important dimensions -
Who is your principal mentor ?
This is the person who is responsible for approving your Core Activities as well as Electronic Evidences as you complete them throughout your course work.
What is Learning By Heart?

This book written by Roland S. Barth offers educators perspectives on the process of school reform and school transformation.
What is the Leandro Case?
This recent case from the 90’s focused on the tenet that every child should have access to a sound basic education. If poor districts cannot provide their students with a sound basic education, then the state has a constitutional responsibility to help th
What is Questioning?

The primary strategy the coach uses during the leading phase.

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