Is it Secure? Let's Talk Electrical and Plumbing (Infrastructure) CW to Oracle (and beyond) Q4
What is 30 minutes?
What is the minimum lock-out time required by PCI when a user enters the wrong password at least 6 times?
What is 888-VTSTORE or what is 2255 for voice prompting?
If I don't know the phone number of someone in the company, I'd call this number to get connected with that person
What are Windows Updates?
They come around the 2nd Tuesday of every month
What is a fast path?
It's a shortcut to a function in CWDirect and is usually a 4 character acronym
What is 40%
It's the approximate percentage of annual revenue that comes in during October - December
What is tokenization?
It is the process of replacing the credit card numbers stored in your system with another number that is not a credit card number
What is "Above the Fold"?
It's a newspaper term that Chris Vickers has adopted for his weekly communication newsletter
What is Active Directory?
This database controls all network users and their access to various systems
What is MSGW (Message Wait)?
It’s the job status that no CW on-call person want to hear about
What is contingency?
The term used when you and I are called to answer calls or work in the DC
What is 303?
It is the number of questions (to the nearest 100) that we must answer "yes" to each year to be PCI compliant
What is Lync / Communicator?
It's often a good way to get in touch with CSCs when there is a problem since they are often on the phone and have a lot going on
What is a drive-by?
The term we give to someone who walks up to report a problem
What is 18 months?
An order will be purged from CWDirect in this many months if it has no further changes on it
Who is Eliot Orton?
Rumor has it he was giving away free shipping to many of the old ladies he talked with on the phone while working contingency
What is POODLE?
A well known dog breed that has now become a security risk
What is putting a comment on the ticket letting the customer know the status?
If you have a ticket open for more than 3 days you should seriously consider this
What is a privileged account?
I'll use this account if I need more access than my normal login can give me
What is a source code?
It’s the 7 character code that identifies what brought a customer to VCS
Who is Geof Brown?
This cook's famous waffles are featured during the holiday breakfast in Manchester each year
What are employees?
Many agree this is the weakest link in any company's security program
What is x5999?
It's the number you can dial to ring every phone in TBS
What is the CS/1000?
The Nortel Option 11 phone switch was renamed to this when Nortel was bought by Avaya
What is RDC or Mozart?
Old CWDirect documentation may refer to the system by these older terms
What is 20,000?
On peak days in the DC we ship out about this many packages per day

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