Self Regulation | Proactive strategies | IDEAL | Hodge Podge | Misc |
What is - Show us Magic Mustache
Show us Magic Mustache
Gives children appropriate amounts of control. help children lean decision making, should not contain a right and wrong answer
What are Choices and give an example
Trust Based Relational Intervention
What does TBRI stand for?
Snack every 2 hours, Carry water bottle, Be aware of scents, create opportunity for physical play, have noise cancelling headphones, have fidgets
Physiological Strategies
What is - Show us a Chair Pull up
Show us a Chair Pull Up
Allows children to make a different choice, teaches social skills, keeps the train moving, help children trust that their needs are heard.
What are Compromise and give an example
Connecting, Empowering, and Correcting
What are the three TBRI Principles
bed time routines, scaffolding, transitions
Ecological Strategies
What is - Show us smelling the cake and blowing out the candles
Show us Birthday Cake
Shows parents hear the child's needs. Is a way to allow children to make decisions while the parent is still in charge. Trust that words have power
What is Sharing power and give an example
Refuses certain foods, to wear certain clothing, does not like hugs and kisses, refuses or craves dirty hands, dislike loud sounds and strong odor
Sensory Defensive behaviors can include:
Eye Contact, healthy touch, voice quality, playful interaction, matching the child, get down on their level, put the phones and devices away.
What connecting strategies should you be mindful of yourself in interaction with your children.
What is a way for the child to check in to see if they have too much energy, not enough, or just right
What is Checking Engines
Short phrases with great meaning. They honor relationships. Can be practice in calmed times.
What are Life Value terms/Scripts
Spinning, jumping, swinging, bear hugs, biting, chewing, sucking on fingers, bangs and hits toys, fidgeting, and like the loud
Sensory seeking behavior can include:
Is my child thirsty, hungry, tired, restless, emotionally fragile, what sensory inputs are going on around the child
What empowering strategies should you be mindful of in interaction with your children.
What are items such as blankets and lap pads that when placed on the child are calming
What are Weighted Items
Wit respect, Gentle and Kind, Askin' or Tellin' Listen and Obey, No Hurts, Stic together, Use your words
Examples of scripts
Leveled at the behavior and not the child
Playful Engagement, Structure Engagement, Calming Engagement, and Protective Engagement
What are the four levels of response
Brain, Body, Enviroment
The three things that work together in the attachment cycle