What are research and development tax credits?
This valuable tax benefit is made available by many jurisdictions for companies that invest in new market innovations.
What are principal operating companies?
Companies use these legal entities to capture business and financial benefits of moving to a center-led business model in Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
What is a merger or acquisition?
Tax basis and net operating loss are two examples of important tax considerations when a company is undertaking this kind of strategy.
What are financial restatements and material weaknesses?
Tax accounting errors are responsible for a large percentage of these negative news stories.
Who was Albert Einstein?
He once observed that “The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.”
What are corporate tax credits and incentives?
These are often negotiated with local jurisdictions as part of an investment in new facilities or relocation of existing operations.
What are corporate income tax, VAT, withholding and customs/excise taxes?
These tax types can all impact the business case for global supply chain optimization projects.
What is a transfer pricing method?
The application of this is required to assure that transactions between associated enterprises conform to the arm’s length standard for determining prices and profits.
Who was Ronald Reagan?
He once said that “Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
What is TBD?
What is an inversion?
Every so often a major American corporation will change its country of incorporation—often through an acquisition—thereby invoking this major tax principle.
What is a Limited Risk Distributor?
This approach moves the risks and rewards of local country sales to a Principal Operating Company.
Who is Wesley Snipes?
He was sentenced to three years in jail for refusing to file taxes, making the argument that federal income taxes are illegal and unconstitutional.
What is TBD?
What is BEPS, or the Action Plan on Base Erosion Profit Shifting?
The OECD is attempting to adopt international tax rules so that companies pay their fair share of tax across the globe through this effort.
What is TBD?
Who is Nicolas Cage?
Confronted by IRS officials with millions of dollars in underpayments, he tried to blame everything on his financial manager. (It didn’t work.)