Vocabulario de fútbol y baloncesto | O tu UE stem changers | E to IE stem changers | E to I stem changers | Vocabulario de béisbol y tenis |
goalie- futbol
What is portero en inglés y que deporte
cuentar - to tell/ count
What is contar after being stem changed at the defenition
cierrar- to close
What is cerrar after being stem changed and the definition
pidir- to ask for
What is pedir after being stem changed and the definition
What is catcher in spanish
What is ball in spanish
duele - to hurt
What is doler after being stem changed and the definition
piensar- to think
What is pensar after being stem changed and the definition
rír- to laugh
What is rier after being stem changed and the definition
What is glove in spanish
What is cancha en ingles
duermir- to sleep
What is dormir after being stem changed and the definition
pierder- to lose/miss/love
What is perder after being stem changed and the definition
sonrir - to smile
What is sonreir after being stem changed and the definition
bate- beisbol
What is bat in spanish and what sport used in
What is lanzar en ingles kick/throw
What is lanzar en ingles
muerir- to die
What is morir after being stem changed and the definition
sienter- to fel/to regret
What is sentir after being stem changed and the definition
sirvir- to serve
What is servir after being stem changed and the definition
What is ball in spanish
What is to dribble in spanish
pueder- to can
What is poder after being stem changed and the definition
tiener- to have
What is tener after being stem changed and the definition
dicir- to tell/say
What is decir after being stem changed and the definition
over- tenis
What is por encima de en inglés y que deporte