friends | fun facts ! | pov worcaholic | food | ... |
who is my least favourite friend ive ever had
raisin (it was a fish!!)
what was the name of my first pet
which section in shoppers do i work in
beauty boutique (cosmetics)
whats the most foul drink i like
pepas and freaks by surf curse
what was the big song at the begining for us
who was the first person i came out to
deer park field
where was my first kiss (bonus points if you can name who it was with)
what school am i currenlt taking courses at
university of toronto
What is my favorite serbian food
palacinka cedevita
baggy jeans and boob shirt
what was i wearing the first time we met
who did i become close with first (out of the friends i have now)
how much money roughly do i spend on nicotine per month
what do i do other than school work to pov
cook and clean
What is my favorite persian food
who the first person i told about you
What is andreis shot record
fell down a hill in serbia while playing hide and seek
how did i get the scar on my left knee
who do i enjoy working around the most
my dad
What is the grosesst thing ive ate
goat balls
you met ty
what significant thing happened after you got the side of your nose peirced
stacey or andrei i would accept either answer
who is my favoirite
20 !
how many mg of prozac do i take per day
what was my average this year
What is my favorite all time food
my dad was on the phone
first boink what was happening downstars