Week 6 Literary Terms Week 6 Literary Terms Week 7 Literary Terms Week 7 Literary Terms Week 5 & 7 Mixed Literary Terms
What is Contrast?
An element of artistry in which two things are set up in opposition to one another.
What is Romance?
A story, written in prose or poetry, that strongly expresses the characteristics of the romantic mode.
What is Couplet?
1) A stanza composed of two lines, or 2) a rhyme scheme in which one line rhymes with the one immediately
after it.
What is Irony?
A device of artistic contrast, usually involving inversion and incongruity.
What is Foreshadowing?
A plot device whereby the author hints at a future outcome but does not fully reveal it.
What is Lay (Breton Lay)?
A type of shorter romance, written in poetry, and typically based on Arthurian legend.
What is Stanza?
A group of lines that can be recognized as a separate unit in a poem.
What is Dramatic Irony?
A type of irony whereby some event occurs, or some character acts, in a way that is unexpected
(incongruity) or is the opposite of what would seem suitable or ideal (inversion).
What is Metrical Foot?
A unit for measuring meter, usually consisting of one heavily accented syllable and one or more
lightly accented syllables, in various patterns.
What is Verbal Irony?
A type of irony whereby what a speaker or a character says does not match reality (incongruity) or is
the opposite of what the character means (inversion).
What is Poetic Justice?
A literary device whereby goodness succeeds or is rewarded, and evil fails or is punished, in appropriate
What is Stanzaic form?
An arrangement whereby there is more than one stanza, set off by spaces, in a poem.
What is Folk Literature?
A kind of story told to, and usually invented by, the ordinary folk of a community
What is Pentameter?
A line of verse composed of five metrical feet.
What is Alliteration?
Repetition of the initial sound of words in a line or lines of verse.
What is Rhyme?
Similar or same sounding syllables occurring at the end of two different words.
What is Symbol?
Any element in a work of literature that, in addition to its basic meaning or role in that work, also stands
for something more.
What is Iamb?
A metrical foot consisting of one lightly accented syllable followed by one heavily accented syllable.
What is Plot Frame?
A literary technique used to introduce and provide a framework for a story, usually by enveloping it in
another story.
What is Elegiac Mode?
A mode in which the purpose is to declare aloud deep feelings and/or deeply-held beliefs, most often
those of lament or love.
What is Rhyme Scheme?
A pattern of rhymes that occurs throughout a stanza or poem.
What is Symmetry (Parallelism)?
An artistic element which occurs when two things in a literary work correspond to each
other in size and/or form and/or arrangement.
What is Iambic Pentameter?
A metrical line composed of five iambic feet.
What is Variety in Unity?
An element of artistry in which two or more parts are different from each other and yet are unified
in some way.
What is Situational Irony?
A type of irony in which a speaker or character finds himself in a situation that is incongruous
or is the inversion of what would be suitable or ideal.

Tapestry of Grace: Year 2: Literary Terms

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