Preparation H | Stressless | Main Street | TAP Dancing | Attack! |
What is a mantra?
An affirmation statement you can repeat to yourself to help you stay calm, focused, and relaxed.
What is take deep breaths?
In through the nose and out through the mouth is all you need to remember for this stress buster.
What is the main idea?
A summary statement that tells what a passage (or paragraph) is about.
What is as many as you need?!
The number of times you are allowed to attempt the TAP.
What is preview? Read titles, preview passage, read question stems.
The first thing you should do when attacking the Reading Comprehension test.
What is stamina?
[Will also accept: What is vocabulary?]
Increasing the amount of reading you do before your test date can help to build this.
What is stretching?
This stress buster helps you relax by getting blood moving throughout your muscles.
What are details?
These "little" answers will never be the main idea.
What is Reading Comprehension, Language Arts, Math and Writing?
The four subsections that comprise the TAP.
What is reading actively?
The way to read each passage! This includes summarizing each paragraph in your own words, monitoring your comprehension, etc. It is the opposite of reading passively.
What is a study schedule?
Develop one of these and stick to it! It's a good way to hold yourself accountable.
What is visualizing?
To engage in this stress busting activity, all you have to do is close your eyes.
What is an implied main idea?
This kind of main idea (like most) is not explicitly stated.
What is the process of elimination?
The practice of getting rid of answer choices you know are incorrect.
What is a passage map?
An outline or list of summarizing statements or key points you should create while reading.
What is studying smarter, not harder?
Being efficient, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and being resourceful are all examples of this.
What is positive thinking?
Engaging in an inner dialogue, not allowing yourself to dwell on the negative, and repeating affirmations are all examples of this stress buster.
What is predict the main idea?
OR What is try to state the main idea in your own words?
Try doing this on your own before looking at the answer choices for a main idea question.
What is 60?
The number of multiple choice questions on the Reading Comprehension test.
What is your grocery list?
Forcing yourself to make a passage map helps you to avoid thinking about this while you're reading.
What is mental preparation?
Keeping things in perspective, practicing positive thinking, and visualizing your success are all part of this kind of preparation.
What is what they expect you to know, the language of the test, and the testing environment?
A "no surprises" approach to test preparation and stress busting means knowing these three things.
What is the roof on the house?!
This is how an architect or a home builder might describe the main idea of a passage?
What is 80%?
The percentage of questions you must get correct on the Reading Comprehension to pass.
What are all possible answer choices?
Choosing the best answer always includes reading all of these.