Mind | Truth | You | People | TAKE A CHANCE |
Kit Kat
What's been your happiest memory this past year?
What lesson took you the longest to un-learn? Looking back to a time where you learned a lesson is there something you wish you knew before or a lesson you learned the hard way?
When was the last time you surprised yourself?
Kit Kat
Who is a stranger that you met that changed your life?
Are you missing anyone right now? Do you think they miss you to?
What have you changed your mind about anything recently?
What is something you are lying to yourself about? What is something you have been honest about with yourself recently?
What title would you give this chapter in your life?
If you could get to know someone in your life on a deeper level who would it be and why?
Rapunzel :)
Which Disney Princess has super long hair that has magical healing powers?
What has been your earliest recollection of happiness?
What is something that you know now that you wish you could have told your younger self?
Kit Kat
What do you need more of in your life at this moment?
Kit Kat
Who is a person you need most in the world and what is the most beautiful thing about them?
What is one life lesson someone has told you that has stuck with you?
What's the worst pain you have ever been in that wasn't physical?
Kit Kat
What is something you feel you are successful at during this present time?
Finish the sentence: Strangers would describe me as ______ only I know that I am _______
What is one struggle you are feeling right now?
What have I outgrown recently? What am I growing into?
What are you more afraid of: failure or success and why?
What is a dream you let go of?
Kit Kat
Have you ever been in love before? Do you believe in love?
How can you become a better person?
Spongebob Squarepantsss!!
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea!!!??