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What is Genesis
God created the heavens & earth.
What is Joshua
The Israelites conquered & divided the land (promised land).
What is 1 Chronicles
The book is a review for exiles in Babylon.
Who is David?
This king was promised by God that he would have a descendent on the throne forever.
Who is David?
This king brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem.
What is Exodus
Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.
What is Judges
The people had 7 cycles of sin.
What is 2 Chronicles
Book about building & dedication of the Temple
Who is Rehoboam?
This king caused a division in the nation that lasted until the exile.
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
He exiled Judah.
What is Leviticus
This is the book of Holiness.
What is Ruth
Boaz is a kinsman redeemer.
What is Ezra
Almost 50,000 people returned to Jerusalem and began to rebuild the temple.
Who is Saul?
This was the first king of Israel.
What is 39?
Number of Kings after Solomon in Israel & Judah
What is Numbers
There were 12 spies.
What is 1 Samuel
Saul dies in war.
What is Nehemiah
King of Persia gives permission to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall.
Who is Cyrus?
This king of Persia allowed the exiles to return to Judah and Jerusalem.
What is 8?
Number of good kinds in Judah
What is Deuteronomy
Moses gathered the people and gave three sermons.
What is 2 Samuel
Nathan confronts David regarding his sin with Bathsheba.
What is Esther
There is a plot to annihilate all the Jews in Persia.
Who is Solomon?
This king built the temple.
Who is Josiah?
Good king, who was the grandson of evil King Manasseh