Books of the Bible | Old Testament 1 | Old Testament 2 | New Testament 1 | New Testament 2 |
What is Genesis?
God created the heavens & earth
Who is David?
This king brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem.
Who is Isaiah?
Prophet who saw God high and lifted up
What is James?
The first (earliest) book written in the New Testament.
Who is John?
The apostle who wrote five books of the New Testament, including four of the five last books.
What are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy?
The Books found in the Pentateuch
What is Numbers?
Book that tells of wandering in the wilderness forty years because of unbelief and rebellion against God
Who was Saul?
The first king of Israel.
What are 1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus and Philemon?
Paul's Letters to Pastors
What is Revelation?
The only book of prophecy in the New Testament.
What is Romans?
Describes God's righteousness
What is Esther?
Book that tells of a plot to annihilate all the Jews in Persia
What are justice, kindness, and walk humbly with God?
Three things God requires of us (Micah)
What is the Millennial Kingdom?
The kingdom established on earth for one thousand years.
What is Third John?
Book that stresses importance of hospitality and walking in truth?
What are Romans, 1st & 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and 1st & 2nd Thessalonians?
Paul's Letters to the Churches
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
He exiled Judah.
Who is Daniel?
He interpreted dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar
What is First Thessalonians?
New Testament book that tells of Jesus' return and how we are to act while we wait.
What is Luke?
Gospel that tells of Jesus as the perfect man.
What is Songs of Solomon?
Inspired words disclosing love as one of God's greatest gifts
Who is Zechariah?
Prophet that had a series of eight visions, four messages and two burdens to describe a future that includes God's victory for Judah and Christ's second coming.
What is Babylon?
The nation who conquered the Southern Kingdom (Judah) in 586 BC?
Who is Peter?
Disciple who changed from an enthusiastic, impulsive coward to a solid, Holy Spirit-filled courageous leader of the church.
Who is Onesimus?
Philemon's runaway slave.