The Cyclops: Story | The Cyclops: Lit Terms | Lit Term Review | Vocab | Miscellaneous |
What is a wine-skin?
Odysseus brings _______________ onto Cyclops island.
What is simile?
His eating was like that of a ravenous bear.
What is external conflict?
A struggle between a character and an outside force.
What is rude?
Odysseus considered the Cyclops to be IMPUDENT because Polyphemus did not show Xenia.
What is tone?
The author's attitude or feelings toward writing.
True or False: The cyclops fears the gods.
What is metaphor?
Odysseus, the man of twists and turns... is an example.
What is setting?
The time and place of a story.
What is Revelry?
Odysseus and his men enjoyed the PARTY after defeating the Cyclops. The all caps word could be replaced with
What is mood.
The reader's feeling while reading a text.
What is Nobody?
The name Odysseus first gives the Cyclops.
What is personification?
When the young Dawn with fingertips of rose touched the world.
What is internal conflict?
A struggle within a character.
What are laborious efforts?
Odysseus and his friends go through many TRAVAILS.
Who is Polyphemus?
The antagonist of The Cyclops.
What is how the men escape?
Blinding the Cyclops and riding out under rams.
What is hyperbole?
Two dozen four-wheeled wagons could not move the rock.
What is theme?
The message the author wants the reader to understand.
What is mutinous?
Disobeying direct orders in a military is considered ____________.
Odysseus not killing the Cyclops shows his:
What is an example of hubris/pride?
Telling the Cyclops his real name is a good example of this common hero flaw.
What is an example of foreshadowing?
Polyphemus prays to Poseidon for Odysseus' journey home to be full of hardship and long.
What is irony?
The use of words, plot, or knowledge to show a difference between appearance and reality.
What is disbelief?
Odysseus stared at the whirlpool and monster before him with INCREDULITY, not wanting to make the choice that was his to make.
What is Xenia?
The expectation of a gift or hospitality in ancient Greece.